All metabolic products can be found in our online catalogue or alternatively they can also be found in our Stable Isotope Products for Metabolic Research catalogue. The product group as a whole is also covered in our Stable Isotopes for Mass Spectrometry catalogue. Specific product area pages are listed below and provide additional information and resources for each area. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any element of your metabolic work then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Researchers employ stable isotope techniques to study a wide variety of metabolic disorders and diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Isotopes are most commonly used in metabolism research as tracers to quantify biochemical or metabolic reactions in vivo. They can be used to study metabolic pathways, to determine biomarkers, to test the effects of a drug, and to develop metabolic profiles of biological systems in a particular state.
Metabolomics, or the study of biochemical processes involving metabolites, is a relatively new, yet increasingly growing field of research. The use of stable isotopes as internal standards combined with mass spectrometry in metabolomics allows researchers to identify and quantify metabolites in a given biological sample. This information is invaluable to understanding the physiology of an organism and/or its response to a drug, a change in its environment, or other external stimuli.
CIL has been routinely manufacturing cGMP products since 1994 and has the capabilities to supply compounds suitable for all different phases of clinical trials. Each cGMP product is manufactured, tested, packaged, and released according to current Good Manufacturing Practice. Customers can be assured that they will receive a wide range of support throughout each cGMP project.
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